Empowering a Future Generation of Leaders
It’s time to make a difference. Are you ready to challenge yourself and make a real impact this summer? Our program combines outdoor exploration, leadership development, teen travel, and community service projects to create a unique and meaningful experience. Campers will have the opportunity to work with local organizations, address real-world issues, and build the skills necessary to become the next generation of change-makers. So, join us and make this summer one to remember, not just for the memories, but for the positive impact you’ll leave behind. Teen camp is the perfect place to ignite your spark and reach new heights this summer.
Our Program
Our Jewish teens summer camp is a program specifically designed for high school students with elements of travel, community service, and leadership development. At Teen Camp, we focus on developing a future generation of leaders who will make a difference in the world as we believe in giving our campers a voice, offering them a sense of ownership, responsibility, and the opportunity to guide their summer experience. Here, you’ll find a place where teens can come into their own and discover their passions.
A Day in the Life
Discover Teen Camp
From early morning hikes to late night campfire sing-alongs, every moment is the origin story of meaningful relationships and lifelong memories that are forged at camp.
A Day at Camp
Teen Camp Community Service and Leadership Development
Here and now, you have the incredible opportunity to give back to your community. Are you willing to make a difference in the lives of others? Our community service projects make this simple and fun.

Teen Camp – TAC Israel
Non-denominational and pluralistic in outlook, our TAC Israel program in partnership with JCC Maccabi Israel (JMI), exposes Jewish teens to all that is great about Israel—its culture, its history, and its people. Our program helps teens to understand our past in order to build a better future, create meaningful dialogue with their Israeli peers, and truly understand the role of community in Jewish Life. This summer, join other teens for a four-week journey of exploration, connection, and adventure in one of the most beautiful places on earth, Eretz Yisrael!

Health and Nutrition
At Teen Camp, the safety and well-being of our campers and staff is our number one priority. We provide nutritious and well-balanced fully kosher meals that teens enjoy eating and have a resident health staff that oversee the medical care of our campers throughout the summer.

Meet Our Team
At Teen Camp, we truly believe in making a difference. This extends to every aspect of our lives, including the hiring of our team. Here, you’ll find a smaller team of counselors (who are all over the age of 21) who play a mixed role of general counselors, activity specialists, and trip leaders. Each year, this team is able to connect with our campers on a deeper level, offering them the guidance, advice, and friendly face they need exactly when they need it.